Patient rights will be respected without regard to sex, race, culture, economic status, education level, religious background, or the source of payment for the care and
will include:
- Considerate and respectful care
- Knowledge of the name of the physician with primary responsibility for coordination of the care and the names and professional relationships of the physicians and non-physicians who will see the
- The right to receive information about procedures or post-treatment the patient may need in order to give informed consent or to refuse this course of treatment. Except in emergencies, this
information will include a description of the procedure or treatment, medically significant risks involved in this treatment or non-treatment and the risks involved in each, and the name of the
person who will carryout the procedure or treatment
- The right to participate actively in decisions regarding their medical care to the extent provided by law. This includes the right to refuse treatment
- The right to full consideration of privacy concerning his/her medical care program, case discussion, consultation, examination, and treatment; the patient has the right to be advised as to the
reason for the presence of other persons, if any
- The right to reasonable responses to any reasonable request made for service
- The right to leave the Surgery Center even against the advice of physicians
- The right to be advised if his/her surgeon proposes to engage in or perform human experimentation affecting care or treatment; the patient has the right to refuse to participate in such research
- The right to be informed of continuing health care requirements following discharge from the Surgery Center
- The right to know which Surgery Center rules and policies apply to the patient's conduct while a patient
- The right to have all patient rights apply to the person who may have legal responsibility to make decisions regarding medical care on behalf of the patient
- A procedure shall be established whereby patient complaints are forwarded to the Medical Director for appropriate response
- All Surgery Center personnel shall observe these patient rights
At GulfCoast Surgery Center, Inc., we encourage our patients and their families to participate in their care. We count on you to assist us in providing excellent care:
GulfCoast Surgery Center, Inc. is a new facility that is fully equipped, staffed, and licensed.
At GulfCoast Surgery Center, Inc., you will receive personal attention in a soothing and pleasant atmosphere. We offer state-of-the-art operating rooms plus the quality and
professional care you expect from a health care provider. Our convenient location, efficient admitting and discharge procedures, and economical cost provide value for you and your family.
- Keeping your appointments. When you are unable to do so for any reason, please notify the Surgery Center in advance.
- Following the plan of treatment that you and your doctor have set out. This will include any instructions of the nurses and healthcare staff who are involved with your care.
- Informing the doctor or nurse if you do not understand clearly your plan of care and what is to be expected.
- Providing the Surgery Center upon admission with a copy of a Power of Attorney or a Healthcare Proxy you may have.
- Providing accurate and current insurance information to the Surgery Center and paying all balances not covered by your insurance in a timely, agreed upon, manner.
- Providing the Surgery Center with accurate and complete information regarding your medical history, current symptoms, medications you are taking, and other matters regarding your health.
- Reporting any changes in your condition to your doctor or nurse.
- Treating the Surgery Center's staff and other patients with respect and acknowledging the other patients' right to privacy.
- Being respectful of the property of other patients and of the Surgery Center.